Mount Vernon Public Library

Mount Vernon Public Library

Due to years of mismanagement, shoddy bookkeeping,
and a continually dysfunctional board,
the Mount Vernon Library is in serious trouble.

What Is At Stake?

Your tax dollars, $4.7M annually, are being wasted through mismanagement and abuse.

If the library does not renew its license by the end of the year, it may loose the ability to levy taxes.

If Mount Vernon residents do not stand up and say ‘enough is enough’ it sends the message that we are tolerating this behavior by public officials.

In 2023, a new board was seated, including one trustee, Hope Marable, whom the NYS Education Department previously removed because of neglect of duty.

Sadly, since then, the dysfunction of the Library Board has reached new levels.

Watching the meetings, the board's conduct can only be described as embarrassing. Yelling, screaming, and completely ignoring decorum and rules of order are sadly the norm at board meetings.

Elections have consequences. However, elected officials such as Library Trustees still have to follow laws and regulations, which they are currently ignoring in a wholesale fashion.